divendres, 29 d’abril del 2016

Two-nosed dog


Toby has got two-nosed dog. He was roaming to the streets of Fresno. He was picked up by a nearby shelter. He tried to find a house but it was very difficult. Finally Toby have adopted for Todd Ray. Todd Ray have others dogs with somemotations like two dogs with five legs…
Toby could find a great family.
My opinion
I think Toby is a special dog and he need find a good family, because he was roaming to the streets and he was at risk of being put down. He need someone who love him and take care of he affectionately. Todd Ray is a great person because he adopt dogs with disabled. Those dogs have a lot of problems for been adopt.
Roam (to walk): Deambular, vagar.
Shelter (a safe place for dogs): Refugi de animals o gossera.
Prove (to show to be): Probar o resultat.
Put down (to kill): Sacrificar
Pooch (a dog): Pataner.

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