dimecres, 6 de desembre del 2017

New- Mount St Helens is RECHARGING: Swarm of earthquakes detected deep below the volcano nearly 40 years after deadly eruption

This news article explains about an earthquakes detected deep below the volcani nearly 40 years after deadly eruption. Scientists first began detecting earthquakes beneath Mount St Helens April 21. It also tells us, the largest so far was a magnitude 1.3, and have been spotted over 3 miles below. The activity lines up with magma recharge, thought to be underway since 2008. But, scientists say there are no signs yet of an imminent eruption at the volcano. 

My opinion
In my opinion is important say to the population this things, because we have to know this for anticipation of an earthquake of large magnitude. But if the people know about this earthquake near the volcano can decide if live there or no. The earthquakes are natural phenomenons and are so different to prevent. But if we learn about this phenomenons we can prepare the population and the buildings. 

In conclusion is very important study this things for our security and prepare us. In my opinion I think study this things is good to improve the buildings and it too important educations of the population about this phenomenons.

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